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The Real Urban Emissions (TRUE) Initiative

Vehicle emissions compound urban air pollution, harming public health in cities across the globe. Our partnership with the TRUE Initiative provides data cities can use to take #ClimateAction and to #DecarbonizeTransport.

Hydrogen: the good, the bad, and the risky

Researcher Yuanrong Zhou describes an ICCT report showing that only one method for producing hydrogen—stripping it from water using renewable energy—is truly climate-friendly. #1Min4CleanTransport

Electric two-wheelers in India

Consultant researcher Shikha Rokadiya highlights the benefits of electric two-wheelers in India and how policy can help grow the market. #1Min4CleanTransport

EVs to decarbonize road transport

Researcher Georg Bieker highlights the results of ICCT’s life-cycle assessment of the greenhouse gas emissions from passenger cars that covered Europe, the United States, China, and India. #1Min4CleanTransport
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