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Non-Road emission inventory model methodology


Modeling is essential to identifying and assessing non-road mobile sources of air pollutant emissions, forecasting future activity and emissions, and evaluating the impacts of potential policies. A non-road emission inventory model is a tool to portray the non-road engine and equipment market, historical and future emissions, and the estimated impact of policies. This document outlines the methodology adopted for the non-road emission inventory model developed by the ICCT.

The ICCT model estimates current and future emission inventories by region and equipment type for different scenarios, each characterized by a set of policies and technologies. It simulates emissions of both carbon dioxide (CO2) and local air pollutants based on technology improvements and various policy efforts, including new emission standards, fuel quality improvements, alternative fuels, etc. This model is designed to:

Determine sets of policies to achieve a given emission reduction target
Evaluate the effects of different sets of policies on non-road emissions
Evaluate and compare emission trends from different regions (or globally)
This paper describes the structure, processes, and data flows for the non-road emissions model, and evaluates data collection needs for critical inputs and parameters. It is limited to land-based, non-road mobile sources and excludes water-based and stationary engines and equipment, as well as locomotives.

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