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  • 办公室: 华盛顿,美国
  • 入职时间: 2015

Bryan Comer


Bryan Comer leads the ICCT marine program. The marine program is dedicated to providing policymakers with the data and analysis they need to avoid, reduce, and eliminate pollution from the global shipping sector. Bryan is a lead author of the Fourth IMO Greenhouse Gas Study and is an expert on Arctic shipping issues, including efforts to reduce black carbon emissions and the use of heavy fuel oil. Bryan’s work highlights how maritime transportation can transition away from fossil-fueled ships to zero-emission vessels. Bryan holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Policy from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, as well as an M.S. and B.S. in Public Policy from the Rochester Institute of Technology. (Photo Credit: Michael O. Snyder)


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