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  • 办公室: 旧金山,美国
  • 入职时间: 2019

Leticia Pineda


Leticia is the Acting Mexico Lead and a researcher for the Latin America region. She supports technical and policy analysis within the green freight and heavy-duty vehicles programs. Previously, Leticia held ICCT roles of consultant and fellow, where she supported Mexican fuel economy, emission, and fuel quality standards, as well as other local initiatives to improve air quality. Before joining ICCT, she worked for the energy efficiency agency in Mexico (CONUEE) on the first fuel economy standard for light-duty vehicles and then transitioned to lead the clean fuels and vehicles program at CEMDA, a local NGO. Leticia holds an M.S. in Transportation Technology and Policy from the University of California, Davis Institute of Transportation Studies, and an M.S. in Energy Systems, also from UC Davis.


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