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Vision 2050

February 14, 2022
It's clear that the global transportation sector must evolve to mitigate #ClimateChange. #Decarbonization takes ambition, so we created our #Vision2050 strategy to dramatically reduce transport emissions by mid-century. We say: it can be done.

Our Strategy

February 14, 2022

Electric vehicle

February 14, 2022

The transition to electric vehicles

Hydrogen-powered container ships on the transpacific

February 14, 2022
Explains that hydrogen fuel cells have great potential to replace fossil fuels as the power for container ships along the China–U.S. corridor. #ChartoftheWeek #ZEVs

China’s electric vehicle development journey

February 14, 2022
Illustrates how China’s national-level strategies and plans helped it amass the largest EV fleet in the world in just one decade.
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