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About the Program

Vehicle electrification is the single most important strategy to reduce air polluants and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transportation sector. Long-term planning scenarios indicate that the global vehicle fleet will have to be almost entirely made up of electric vehicles, powered mostly by renewable sources, by 2050 if the world is to avoid worst-case global climate-change scenarios. The ICCT’s electric vehicle program aims to understand and describe what policies and incentives are most effect in the early growth stages for the global electric vehicle market based on technology, market, and policy analysis. In addition, we work directly with governments, particularly through the Zero-Emission Vehicle Alliance and the Zero-Emission Vehicle Transition Council, to inform and support practical policy making that can facilitate the necessary technological transition to a zero-emission transportation sector.

In China, we closely collaborate with governmental and non-governmental stakeholders at both international, national, and city levels to support the transiton of the world’s largest vehicle market towards electric vehicles. We analyze trends in electric vehicle technologies and in vehicle markets; evaluate how regulation, tax incentives, non-fiscal promotional policies, and infrastructure are helping to drive the electric vehicle market; and compare the different policy approaches across countries and cities around the world to better understand the emerging best practices to accelerate the transition to electric drive. Our research work not only focuses on the most attractive applications of electric vehicles at the current stage, such as passenger cars, light-duty commercial vehicles, and urban buses, but also includes the vehicle categories that are relatively difficult to electrify, such as heavy-duty trucks.

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