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About the program

China has made historic achievements in eco-environmental protection over the past few years. Decisive results were achieved in the campaign to protect blue sky, clear water, and clean land, and in the seven landmark campaigns as well. China has accumulated many successful practices and valuable experiences for strengthening environmental protection and fighting pollution during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period.

For the economic and social development during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period, China has put forward the major goal of “achieving new progress in ecological civilization construction”, which includes “optimization of national spatial development and protection pattern, effective transition of green production and life, more reasonable allocation and more efficient utilization of energy, continuous reduction of total discharge of major pollutants, continuous improvement of eco-environment, more strengthened ecological security barrier, and significant improvement of living environment for urban and rural areas.” China has clearly stated that eco-environmental issues should be addressed while promoting green and low-carbon development. In transportation sector, China has made it clear that during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the building of China’s strength in transportation will be accelerated, the construction of major transportation projects will be promoted, by focusing on building a green transportation system, accelerating the adjustment of transportation structure, and deepening energy conservation. At the same time, in order to actively fight climate change, China will further promote transition to low-carbon transportation and intensify efforts to control greenhouse gases.

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