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About the Program

ICCT’s transportation structure shifting program aims to improve the real-world energy efficiency and environmental performance of freight systems, with an eye on integrating policies to promote greener freight structure and a focus on technology with its impacts on supply chain operations. Our approach relies on three pillars: development of the technical foundation to support green freight programs and other clean transportation policies, technology verification to ensure real-world benefits under a range of conditions, and tailored regional support to national green freight programs. Ultimately, structured data collection and industry engagement through the development of these programs and activities can lay the foundation for clean transportation policies and improve the freight systems efficiency and environmental performance.

In the work related to China transportation structure shifting, ICCT has been devoted to promoting the use of cleaner and more efficient transportation modes and comprehensively improving transportation efficiency. We summarize and share the best practices and lessons of advanced countries; collect and analyse both domestic and international actual transportation data, so as to support China to achieve high efficiency and cleanization in transportation sector, ensure the continuous improvement of air quality and achievement of peaking greenhouse gas emissions as well as provide green and sustainable technical support, strategy sharing and policy recommendations for realizing 2060 carbon neutralization goal.

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