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A global effort for the zero-emission vehicle transition

ICCT researchers from around the world highlight the benefits of regional and global cooperation in efforts to decarbonize road transport. #1Min4CleanTransport

Hydrogen: the good, the bad, and the risky

Researcher Yuanrong Zhou describes an ICCT report showing that only one method for producing hydrogen—stripping it from water using renewable energy—is truly climate-friendly. #1Min4CleanTransport

Getting to zero emissions from international shipping

Bryan Comer, ICCT marine lead, explains what would align IMO’s greenhouse gas strategy with the Paris Agreement. #1Min4CleanTransport

Decarbonizing international shipping

Xiaoli Mao, a senior marine researcher, highlights how policy can support truly low-carbon fuels in international shipping. #1Min4CleanTransport

Mission 2050


Finding the least-emitting flight options online

Researcher Sola Zheng explains how the flying public can choose less-emitting flights when booking online. #1Min4CleanTransport
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