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Electric two-wheelers in India

Consultant researcher Shikha Rokadiya highlights the benefits of electric two-wheelers in India and how policy can help grow the market. #1Min4CleanTransport

EVs to decarbonize road transport

Researcher Georg Bieker highlights the results of ICCT’s life-cycle assessment of the greenhouse gas emissions from passenger cars that covered Europe, the United States, China, and India. #1Min4CleanTransport

Why are EVs key to decarbonizing road transport?

1 minute for clean transportation

True Initiative Remote Sensing animation

Remote sensing for vehicle emissions testing, explained

Vision 2050: Addressing emissions from global shipping

Global trade relies heavily on the shipping sector, as 90% of the world’s cargo is carried by about 50,000 merchant marine vessels.

Vision 2050: The role of cities in decarbonizing transportation

Cities are at the epicenter of the global transition to electric passenger cars.
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